EyeBOX for your
Veteran Patients
Government insurance for our Veterans provides coverage for the EyeBOX concussion diagnostic.
- Both the VA and Tricare provide coverage for EyeBOX scans
- EyeBOX is on the FSS for the VA and its affiliated clinics
- Provide your veteran patients with the latest evidence-based state of the art technology for concussion diagnosis
- Provide reassurance to patients with objective eye tracking data
- Follow patient recovery through treatment
VA hospitals and affiliated clinics are on the FSS:
To access the EyeBOX contract on the FSS please click here:
Tricare coverage for Veterans at your non-VA clinic:
Schedule your demo and learn how EyeBOX can support your Veteran patients (US clinics only):
Request Demo
How EyeBOX Works
EyeBOX captures 100,000 data points based on subtle eye movements and cranial nerve function, generating the BOX score and report indicating the likelihood of concussion.
Step 1
Patient suffers an injury to the head. Occurrences such as falls, motor accidents, sports injuries and other head trauma happen, on average, at a rate of one every eight seconds.
Step 2
Using the EyeBOX device, the patient watches a video. The device is battery-powered so can be moved to different clinic rooms if needed.
Step 3
EyeBOX collects data points based on cranial nerve function and tracks eye movements. This process is independent of a patient’s language and doesn’t require a baseline for comparison.
Step 4
EyeBOX calculates a score that will aid in determining the presence or absence of concussion.