EyeBOX for your
Veteran Patients


Government insurance for our Veterans provides coverage for the EyeBOX concussion diagnostic.

  • Both the VA and Tricare provide coverage for EyeBOX scans
  • EyeBOX is on the FSS for the VA and its affiliated clinics
  • Provide your veteran patients with the latest evidence-based state of the art technology for concussion diagnosis
  • Provide reassurance to patients with objective eye tracking data
  • Follow patient recovery through treatment

VA hospitals and affiliated clinics are on the FSS:

VAs and affiliated clinics can purchase the EyeBOX directly from Oculogica or via a contract on the FSS.
To access the EyeBOX contract on the FSS please click here:

Tricare coverage for Veterans at your non-VA clinic:

Download the TRICARE billing process for EyeBOX:

Schedule your demo and learn how EyeBOX can support your Veteran patients (US clinics only):

How EyeBOX Works

EyeBOX captures 100,000 data points based on subtle eye movements and cranial nerve function, generating the BOX score and report indicating the likelihood of concussion.

Step 1

Patient suffers an injury to the head. Occurrences such as falls, motor accidents, sports injuries and other head trauma happen, on average, at a rate of one every eight seconds.

Head Injury

Step 2

Using the EyeBOX device, the patient watches a video. The device is battery-powered so can be moved to different clinic rooms if needed.

Step 3

EyeBOX collects data points based on cranial nerve function and tracks eye movements. This process is independent of a patient’s language and doesn’t require a baseline for comparison.

Step 4

EyeBOX calculates a score that will aid in determining the presence or absence of concussion.

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